Many months ago, Mal and I called it a day. He moved into my front room and we both got on with our separate lives, whilst we continued to share our living space. I've gotta say, anyone I have told, has looked at me with a combination of shock and confusion and wondered at how it was working.
Mostly it worked ok. For both of us. And I am happy to say, we are still friends. He has recently met someone else and moved in with her just last week. So I now have my flat all to myself, and I am LOVING it.
But it's a weird thing. Now that I have my space and I have so many things to do, I also find I have to ask for help when there are things to do that I cannot handle alone. It's not something I particularly like to do, as I prefer not to impose on other people's time. But that is the way of being single again - I just have to ask if I need help. To assemble furniture. To move furniture. To paint a room. In the end, I decided to pay a painter to do the room as I recently developed tendonitis in my wrist and thumb and did not want to aggravate it.
So today the empty room is being painted... and while the painter works away in my soon-to-be studio, I am in my room sorting through stuff and clearing space so that I can move my desk and my computer out of my bedroom and into the studio. The bed is piled high with books and the things I had been stacking up or hiding under my desk for the last 6 months.
I am trying not to pace.
After the painter finishes, I have a friend coming over and she and I will tackle the Ikea shelves* I bought on the weekend. Then move some furniture.
Once the 'heavy' moving has been completed, there is still much to do. I will manage the rest on my own... the organising, rearranging, hanging pictures, and rearranging again... I love this stage, so it's a struggle to even sit still and wait right now. If patience is a virtue, it certainly isn't one of mine.
It's Wednesday. I have the day off. Tomorrow I am back at work, and I know I will want to be here, but I will just have to (continue to) be patient.
Breathe 1, 2, 3...
*Special thanks to my friend Lyn who came to my rescue for the Ikea collection combat mission! And to Lou for making up the Ikea assembly team! You guys are great and I couldn't have done it without you! Thanks. xx