101 things about me

Monday, 31 March 2008

I am here...

I've been crazy busy at work and on top of that I have a cold, so all of my 'free' time has been taken up curled up in bed, in sleep therapy. I have a list of posts just waiting to be written and posted. Stay tuned... updates are on the way.


Bec said...

Get well soon! I love how one of your tags for this post is 'patience'. I really need some myselt at the moment - my sister has just had her first baby, and I was supposed to be there, but my kids have just had a gastro and are still recovering. So I still haven't even been to visit.....I know there's nothing I can do but have patience, but boy is it hard!!!

Louise Dalton said...

Hi! You are making me think of those motivational posters that were around in the 80's. The one with the kitten hanging onto a tree-branch! Hope ur better soon! L