I have seen this in a few people's blogs and love the idea - it's a great way to find out more about a person. I can't imagine I will have 101 things to share but let me begin and see what happens...
Grab yourself a drink, get yourself comfortable, this may take a while
1. I adore chocolate, milk, white, dark, plain, nutty and licorice, you name it, I'll like it - Oh except for coffee.
2. I have a terrible sense of fashion.
3. I talk to traffic lights as I drive, saying "Please stay green, please stay green..." and when the lights stay green I say thank-you. When they turn red, I reprimand myself for being so crazy.
4. Mornings are my favourite time of day.
5. I was born on the cusp of Libra and Scorpio, but I have more Libran traits.
6. I can't watch scary movies by myself.
7. I would sooner cuddle a puppy or a kitten than hold a baby.
8. "Sunshine on a Rainy Day" by Christine Anu makes me want to sing.
9. I climbed Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa, but got sick and couldn’t attempt the final ascent.
10. I think it's important to defend what is right, particularly if it's hurting some-one incapable of defending themselves.
11. I read Gone With The Wind instead of studying in my final year at high school.
12. One of my favourite scents is frangipani.
13. I hated 80’s fashion and it hated me.
14. My favourite European City is Brugge in Belgium.
15. I am amused by wit, but find humour at the expense of others inane and not at all funny.
16. I sobbed so much watching the movie "Gorillas in the Mist" that people in the cinema turned to look at me as the lights came up.
17. I am a terrible liar. If I lie, it's written all over my face.
18. I love pens, paper and coloured pencils, leave me in a stationers or art supply shop and I can entertain myself for hours. Give me a bright pack of post-its, or a special piece of paper and a pen and I am happy.
19. I hate coffee and yet I like Kahlua and Tia Maria - go figure.
20. I believe that what goes around, comes around.
21. I love to go to the cinema alone.
22. I live in a flat in the city, and dream of one day building a straw bale house in the country.
23. When I was 6 I fell into an open fire. My oldest brother Tim pulled me out.
24. Some days I wonder if this may be my last day and I worry that I haven't told people I love them enough.
25. My favourite colour is pink.
26. I faint easily. Once I fainted in a doctors waiting room and when the doctor called for another patient he ignored me lying on the floor.
27. I don’t drink coffee or tea.
28. I hate being late, and I hate being kept waiting. Be warned.
29. I was in a radio ad for the Melbourne Boat Show when I was 12 years old. I don't even like boats.
30. I evacuated down the emergency chute of a plane following an explosion in the cabin as it was about to take off.
31. I hate Culture Club and hope I never hear another one of their songs for the rest of my life.
32. I have 2 older brothers who I love... I was glad I never had a sister.
33. I celebrate the passing of the winter solstice and look forward to Spring with anticipation
34. My first record was "My Sharona" by The Knack.
35. I hated brussel sprouts as a kid and buried some in the garden late at night after my parents went to bed.
36. I get cranky when I am hungry.
37. There was a total eclipse of the sun on my eighth birthday.
38. David Attenborough would be first on the list if I could host a dinner party and invite celebrities.
39. When I am feeling sick, sleep therapy is my best medicine.
40. I drive a Mini Cooper S.
41. "Video Killed the Radio Star" and "Tainted Love" are among my favourite songs.
42. I always thought woodpeckers were a cartoon creation and didn't really exist. When I heard one for the first time (in Maine in America) I didn't believe it. It has a beautiful sound that reaches into the silence of the woods.
43. I don't drink alcohol very often, but I do like banana beer.
44. I would love to write a book, but I can think of nothing to write about except myself. I figure no-one would want to buy it, so why bother.
45. I love anchovies - they are sadly misunderstood.
46. Sometimes I would like to tell people to go away and leave me in peace.
47. I wish I had worked harder at school and cared less about what people thought of me.
48. I always wanted to pierce my nose but didn't because my boyfriend didn't want me to.
49. I sang "Our Lips are Sealed" by the Go-Go's at a Karaoke bar.
50. I was given a beautiful Mirka Mora painting as a gift and the girl in the painting reminds me a little of myself.
51. I learned the piano as a child, but I can’t read music. I remembered it all by heart.
52. I always thought my Mum was great for going grey naturally. I now dye my hair to cover my own.
53. Saturday is my favourite day of the week.
54. I am terrible at sport, and was always picked last for teams at school. Maybe the teachers should have chosen the less talented kids to choose the teams once in a while...
55. I have trouble spelling words with double letters, and yet I love repetition in numbers. I set my alarm for 5:55am...
56. I hang all my clothes facing the same direction.
57. For the life of me, I cannot tell a good joke.
58. My second toe is shorter than my big toe - I have been told this is very strange!
59. I cry at airports. Hello's and good-bye's, it doesn't matter! I even cry watching strangers!
60. I held a tarantula in my bare hands and now feel like I can do just about anything I set my mind to.
61. I wish that I had talked more to my Grandparents. As the time of their death becomes more distant, I miss them more.
62. I sometimes fear that I will not live long enough to do all that I want to do.
63. I imagine many people are getting bored by now and thinking of skipping ahead. I know this, because it's the sort of thing I do. Despite this, I never jump to the last chapter of a book - what a waste of a good journey!
64. Children crying sometimes makes me want to cry. Of course, having them sitting behind me on a plane for 4 hours with their feet digging into my back generates the same response.
65. A friend once told me I was a terrible dancer and I have been scared to dance in public ever since.
66. I hate my job right now.
67. Both of my parents were primary school teachers.
68. When I fly anywhere, I stand at the airport check-in and look around me at all my fellow passengers and worry that we may all perish mid flight. (See number 30)
69. I have lived in Richmond, London and Richmond, Melbourne.
70. I wore braces on my teeth as a teenager and didn't eat lollies for over 2 years. I have made up for it ever since.
71. I used a pendulum and chose the winner in the Melbourne Cup.
72. I eat when I am bored... and when I am happy... and sad... and stressed...
73. One day I want to shave my head. It will probably make my Mum cry. She screamed when my brother Tim shaved his head.
74. I lived in London for nearly 8 years and saw the Queen on my 23rd Birthday.
75. Once I trod on (and killed) a frog and cried with despair and guilt.
76. I like men with shaved heads - thankfully Mal is hair free (apart from some rather woolly eye-brows). Woo hooo! Hubba hubba.
77. I believe that practice makes perfect, but I want to be good now.
78. I am not a runner, but in my dreams I often imagine I am running a marathon.
79. I don’t think I ever want children.
80. At 39, even if I did want children, I consider it's now too late.
81. I love porridge for breakfast with cinnamon and a pinch of sugar.
82. If you littered, I could not help but judge you because of it.
83. "Silent Night" is my favourite Christmas carol.
84. I have been to a white witch to have my fortune told.
85. I convinced a camper (at Tanglewood 4H Summer Camp in Maine) to eat Vegemite and he agreed, thinking it was chocolate spread. The deal was if he ate it all, I would get him a peanut butter and jelly sandwich instead of him eating his dinner. Needless to say, he ended up eating macaroni cheese.
86. I want to swim with the whale sharks.
87. Last year I swam with dolphins in the ocean.
88. I am scared of deep water.
89. I love car boot sales and love a bargain, but I don't much like shopping.
90. I love letters and numbers and use them a lot in my home decor.
91. I never owned a Barbie as a child, as my mother believed they were ugly and encouraged little girls to be obsessed with their bodies. Thanks Mum.
92. I like to sleep with the blinds open, so I can wake to the gradual lightening of the sky and sunshine across my bed.
93. My family avoid getting on planes with me (see number 30)
94. If I could go back in time and start over (knowing what I know now) I would return to my 28th year.
95. I have slept under the stars in the Sahara Desert (or is it Dessert? See number 55)
96. I love a good kids book, especially read out loud. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe was always a favourite. Oh and who could forget, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory!
97. Summer is my favourite season. I hate being cold.
98. I always wanted to own a dog - something scruffy and friendly. A bitsa from the RSPCA. I think Rufus would be a good scruffy dog name.
99. I hate confrontation and avoid it at all costs.
100. I still wish on the first star in the evening sky.
101. PHEW… I love the journey, but I get a certain satisfaction when I reach the destination.