101 things about me

Thursday 21 June 2007

The man who planted trees...

The day I returned from my philosophy week-end, I found myself wandering through a local bookstore. A book I had read some time ago came to mind, and after a little searching I found the lone copy and I bought it. It is a simple story which illustrates beautifully how we can make immense changes in our world...

Having reread the story, I decided to give it to Michael (one of the organisers of the philosophy week-end) as a gift to be shared with all members of The Acorn Group. In the meantime, I have discovered it is readily available on the internet. Below is a link to the story (in it's entirety). It is well worth putting aside some time and reading it.

Click on the link below, click on plantedtrees.pdf to download, and open it up in acrobat to read and print if you wish. Enjoy!

The Man Who Planted Trees
by Jean Giono

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