101 things about me

Monday, 25 June 2007

New 'fun' policy at work

It's all very well - encouraging fun and frivolity at work. It's a great idea and I applaud them for it. Really I do. But at the end of the day, when we want to leave on time and work isn't signed off until the dot of five (or after) because everyone has been too busy having fun to talk to their clients, well, it aint so much fun then.

I have lots of fun things I want to be doing once I finish my work day!
Enough already. Let me leave on time.


Ames and Mick said...

I quite like this new policy as it means that when I walk in the door in a good mood, 9 times out of 10, I stay in one! But I know what you mean about choosing the appropriate time seems to be where the most problems are coming in...

Jacinta said...

Thankfully you are one of those people that adds a little sunshine to the day. I like the policy too, and a smile is far easier to work with than a frown. I know I sound like an old grouch.

Thing is, when work gets signed off at 5, we still have to stay around to send things off, while everyone else disappears out the door on time. It just rubs me the wrong way sometimes. With a little better time management, things could (mostly) be signed off earlier and morale would be better all round.

Wanderer said...

Seems to me that if a policy is required for people to be pleasant and cheerful at work something is not quite right in the first place.

As for signing off work at a reasonable time, that's just plain common courtesy and being professional, another expectation in a workplace that shouldn't require a policy.

Maybe the policy makers should do a little more than pay lip service, perhaps a boot-in-the-a#se service is what's required?

Malcolm Garth said...

Do what they used to do to us in the army...
If one was late by ten minutes they made that one leave on time but the rest had to stay back for an extra ten minutes...! Peer pressure does the work and nobody was ever late twice! Warning, this plan may not be popular but it did/does work... Maybe just the threat of putting this into action would help!?! Hmmm, maybe not... In a perfect world you wouldn't even need to think like this!!! LOL