101 things about me

Tuesday 14 August 2007

Just one of those days

You know the ones I mean.

When you go out for your early morning walk (to avoid the noise and fumes from the traffic) and at nearly every side street a car appears and you have to wait while they pump the throttle and spew poison into your lungs, because they are too rude to give way to pedestrians...

When you go out for breakfast and the service is bad, the toast soggy with butter and the eggs are cold before they hit the plate...

When there is a pile of work waiting in your in-tray that has miraculously appeared since the time you said your good-byes the night before...

When you try and organise a night out with a group of friends and the ONLY available date is the night you reserved weeks ago intended for nothing but you...

When the new guy at work corners you in the lunchroom (when you are trying to have some quiet work free lunch) and tells you he's got heaps of work coming in that has to be signed off ASAP because he is going to Sydney tomorrow...

When you want so much to be positive, but well, it all just seems a little too hard and you would prefer to be curled up in bed with a good book and the electric blanket turned up to high...

When you don't want to talk and don't want to listen, but people keep asking you questions anyway...

You know what I mean - it's just one of those days...


Ames and Mick said...

I love that one of your labels for this is 'fun'...might I remind you of your recent oxymoron post????
It is importnat to have 'those days' because when you have the really, really good days, it makes you appreciate it more.

God was I supposed to be a Hallmark writer or what?

Jacinta said...

You know the really crazy thing? I actually consider myself reasonably positive - though not always 'bouncy' but some days are real stinkers!
As for Hallmark - I reckon you'd be great.

posie blogs Jennie McClelland said...

Yes, you have to have some of those days to appreciate the sunny shiney ones. I was having a rushed day, you know, when one child wants to walk to school with the neighbours, your twins want you to drive as they have ridiculously large show & tell offerings, your bike is broken so you can't cycle your preschooler to school anyway, so you join the pollutors & drive, one trip to primary school, then back to preschool, then home for washing, then back to school for assembly, then the gym, supermarket, haberdashery, home for more washing, then preschool pick up, then lunch with your husband (nice surprise) then home for 3rd load of washing, then school for pick up & ballet run, then the butchers, then home. My head was spinning & i literally held my husband (who had cycled his 30km to work & back, bless him) & begged him to fix my bike. I love walking & riding, it clears my mind. Plus it was 32C again today in Darwin, so add "really sweaty" to all the above 'things' i 'had' to do today, to keep the family alive. At least all 5 loads in the end were dry by dinner time. Hope tomorrow is a brighter day & you can feel like you again. Have you ever tried hand signals, nice ones, to divert people away from you?? Love Posie

Anonymous said...

Ahh those days are the worst. If there is one thing I hate above all others, it's cold eggs. Well, that and the whole middle East squabble. But cold eggs really start my morning off on the wrong foot. Hope you feel better soon!

Malcolm Garth said...

Sounds like I should stay out a little longer tonight!?!? :)

JustRun said...

And that's when I go to bed and hope for better tomorrow. :)

Purple Berries said...

I'm soooooo with you today, although didn't have to put up with the cold eggs!

Agree with the other posts but it doesn't make the blah's any less blah-y.

Make art and then it all goes away, that's my plan during twin sleep time today.

Jacinta said...

Thanks to all with your well timed empathy... It seems we all have these days. Thankfully they don't come around too often.

Posiepatchwork - I thought my day was crazy. Do you ever manage to slow down?

Brandy - as always a line to add humour and a bit of a shoulder shake at the same time. And I thought I was having a bad day!

As suggested by Just Run and Purple Berries, a good sleep, some time away from work being creative and a little space (thanks Mal) have worked wonders. The fact it's Friday is a winner too!

Have a great week-end all!