Each week, as I go to work on Monday, I wish another week away. And I have to remind myself that life is far too precious to wish 5 days away out of every week. I never seem to have enough time to do the things I like to do. And yet...
Out of every 24 hours,
I sleep 8,
I work 8,
I travel to and from work 1.5,
I cook and eat 1.
I shower, wash, clean, housework 1.
That leaves 4.5 hours of every day that seems to disappear.
Where? I have no idea. But that is the key. Four and a half hours of 'spare' time every day... let's say four just to round it off. Three, if I add in a little bit of padding. And that's not even including the weekend!
What am I doing with all this free time? And if my answer is "not very much", then what an earth am I thinking?
Life (and time) is too precious to waste.
it's awful when you get to the point where you're wishing your life away to get some time to yourself ... and then it disappears in a puff of smoke!
i agree this year has flown. I got used to writing 2010 a few weeks ago and ... it's almost march. will i turn around what seems like tomorrow and it's september?
Hi Jacinta, thanks for your comment on my blog. I love the way yours is set up. I had a quick peek at your photos and saw the jean bag that you mentioned. Yours looks so much neater than mine. Mine really looks like a home job but its fun anyway. I have my first toy on Etsy. Everything seems to take so long to set up but I am beginning to get the hang of all the photos and stuff.
I sort of live for the weekends to come but I make sure work is fun too. You have to love your job or else you are spending too much time doing things you don't like.
Thanks for all your encouragement the other day.
Yes this first part of the year always disappears before I can even get a hold of the new year that we are in. However once it gets to the middle of the year and the cold weather is in full swing time definitley slows down (well for me anyway)!
Not just you - it has indeed flown! I'd love to know where my spare time goes, I think I need to start being more aware of it and make the most of those precious little moments.
well, i love that you sleep 8 hours - I nearly stopped reading just there! Mind you you have to add in all the hand washing, getting dressed, staring at the cup of tea, etc etc.
Precious moments are all there - they are just padded with daily joys! hope you find some big joys to celebrate soon!
Be careful, once you get the quilt bug, you will be stuck for ever! I just get so tempted by all the colours. I am bit like that in Office Works and newsagencies too. Also be prepared for the mess. It takes over every spare bit of space in your house and there are bits of thread everywhere. My family is used to it. I am teaching someone how to quilt at the moment. Hope you enjoy it.
Don't dwell on these thoughts too much it can lead down a very depressing path! It is where I've been recently...I'm almost 45 and what have I done and yes the days disappear and that painting is not finished or even begun in some instances, or this project or that and now my babies are about to disappear. My daughter turns 17 this week and my son is already 18 and a half!
Thanks for YOUR kind words about teh yogurt and hope you make good stuff - the easy yo container and bottle will make it super easy - let meknow how you go!
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